Using the patent term changes in assessing the evolution of patent valuation from filing to maturity

Kyriakos Drivas, Andreas Panagopoulos
2016 European Journal of Innovation Management  
We argue that the patent term change introduced in TRIPS in the US inadvertently offered a metric of self-valuation of patents at the time of filing, affirming the ability of Drugs and Chemical patents to offer greater R&D incentives than other technology fields. As renewals also offer a metric of self-valuation, we find that upon renewal Computer patents are found to offer greater R&D incentives than Drugs and Chemicals. We inquire as to why Computer patents are considered as more valuable in
more » ... he post grant period, even though they were not considered as valuable upon filing. We advance the idea that patents can increase in value if encompassed in a patent portfolio.
doi:10.1108/ejim-04-2015-0027 fatcat:hjtpuvuhxjaengrh6lr3z4ikzi