The role of Mapalus in improving the wealth of farmers in Tomohon sub-district, Tomohon municipality North Sulawesi

Treesye I. Turang, Soemarno Soemarno, Agus Suman, Jeany Mandang
2014 IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science  
The aims of the study were to find out the role of Mapalus as a form of mutual assistance and mutual help (gotong rotong in Indonesian) among the local people of Tomohon as well as to examine the forms of Mapalus existing in Tomohon these days. Data were collected through interviews, surveys, participatory observations, and documentation. Based on the data collected, there were five Mapalus groups existing in the villages in East Tomohon Municipality, North Sulawesi Province. Based on the
more » ... s of the study, it can be concluded that Mapalus grows from the awareness of the local people. Mapalus is practiced in many sectors such as farming, economy, grief events, and house construction. Membership is based on neither social status, nor educational background nor religion nor races. Community involvement in Mapalus has two benefits, namely the social and economic benefits. Social benefits are associated with the betterment of the lives of individualism society. Economically, Mapalus involvement could reduce cost to employ people.
doi:10.9790/0837-19180812 fatcat:2iynr5pryvcgfjqwkkzu4qufcq