Heuristic Procedures for Generating Stable Project Baseline Schedules

Stijn Van de Vonder, Erik Demeulemeester, Willy Herroelen
2005 Social Science Research Network  
Solution robust project scheduling is a growing research field aiming at constructing proactive schedules to cope with multiple disruptions during project execution. When stochastic activity durations are considered, including time buffers between activities is a proven method to improve the stability of a baseline schedule. This paper introduces multiple algorithms to include time buffers in a given schedule while a predefined project due date remains respected. Multiple efficient heuristic
more » ... meta-heuristic procedures are proposed to allocate buffers throughout the schedule. An extensive simulation-based analysis of the performance of all algorithms is given. The impact of the activity duration variance structure on the performance is discussed in detail.
doi:10.2139/ssrn.875289 fatcat:terr5whynnhajbdp2zh6hurgge