Robust Gels Composed of Self-Assembled Cello-oligosaccharide Networks

Yuuki Hata, Takeshi Serizawa
2021 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan  
Assembled molecular gels exhibit dynamic properties and have been developed as functional soft materials with selfhealing ability, stimuli responsiveness, and other such properties. Nevertheless, dynamicity is not essential to molecular assemblies. We created static and robust hydrogels composed of self-assembled cello-oligosaccharide networks. In fact, the novel gels are solvent-exchangeable from water even to nonpolar organic solvents, reflecting extremely low stimuli responsiveness. This
more » ... unt summarizes our recent research progress on cello-oligosaccharide gels, from their production to applications that exploit the unique properties of these crystalline oligosaccharide assemblies. Our findings suggest that statically assembled molecular gels have unconventional applications.
doi:10.1246/bcsj.20210234 fatcat:im27zime3vbc7dajq6y2xlim3e