Probabilistic Analysis for Estimation of the Initiation Time of Corrosion

Wafa Nor El Houda Cherifi, Youcef Houmadi, Omar Benali
2019 Mathematical Modelling in Civil Engineering  
In this paper, a probabilistic study on durability concrete was carried out. In such a design, initiation time of corrosion must be expressed as a mathematical model using Fick's second law and the statistical distributions properties of theirs parameters was included in this model. The scatter both in the environmental exposure conditions and structural properties was considered as random fields in the mathematical model with a probabilistic design. The main objective of this study is
more » ... initiation time of corrosion of concrete structures in chloride containing environments. This probabilistic study is developed using Monte Carlo simulation to determine the contribution of each input parameters and the statistical parameters of the random variables on the probability distribution functions of the initiation time of corrosion. Also, a comparison study was carried out to analyze the impact of the probability distribution on the response (the initiation time of corrosion).
doi:10.2478/mmce-2019-0004 fatcat:pp254zqsunavbbfegigiaqalxa