Growth, Feed Digestion and Carcass Characteristics of Rabbits Fed With Banana Peel (Acuminata balbisiana) Supplementation

I. Made Nuriyasa, Eny Puspani, I. Gusti Nyoman Gde Bidura
2019 Pakistan Journal of Nutrition  
Objective: This study was conducted to prove that the economic value of banana peels can be increased by using banana peels as a local rabbit feed ingredient. Materials and Methods: This study used a completely randomized block design with 4 treatments and 8 blocks (replications). Each experimental unit used 4 rabbits. The rations (R) consisted of a ration without banana peels (R0), 3% banana peel (R1), 6% banana peel (R2) and 9% banana peel (R3). Results: The results showed that energy
more » ... ion, total feed consumption, dry matter digestibility and energy digestibility were significantly different (p<0.05) between diet groups. The carcass weights of the local rabbits fed R3 and R2 were significantly higher (p<0.05) than that of rabbits fed R1 and R0. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the use of a banana peels level of 9% results in higher feed consumption, feed digestibility, growth and carcass weight of local rabbits than those observed with the use of 6%, 3% and no banana peels.
doi:10.3923/pjn.2020.19.24 fatcat:iz4cfmlarvc4vi6kcxr2la3rt4