Microstrip antennas and arrays on photonic band gap substrates

T. Sudha, T.S. Vedavathy
Proceedings of the 2001 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference. (Cat. No.01TH8568)  
Absfrud -Patch antennas have some Limitations such as restricted band -width of operation, low gain and a potential decrease in radiation efficiency due to surface wave losses. In this paper, the ability of a Photonic Band Gap (PBG) substrate to minimize the surface wave effects is analyzed for a thick and high E. substrate. Two different types of PBGs are used, one the conventional dielectric PBG and the other a metallodielectric PBG. The PBG patch antenna showed signifkantly reduced levels of
more » ... surface modes compared to conventional patch antenna, thus improving the gain and far-field radiation pattcrn. The results also showed that introducing mctallic cylinders in dielectric crystals is more effective in suppressing side lobe radiation. The performance improvement of a hvn. element amay of patches on (he PBG substrate is also analyzed.
doi:10.1109/sbmomo.2001.1008729 fatcat:ivwq7hnnavcvdaar24qayrs7au