Disseminated leishmaniasis: clinical, pathogenic, and therapeutic aspects

Gustavo Uzêda Machado, Fernanda Ventin Prates, Paulo Roberto Lima Machado
2019 Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia  
Disseminated leishmaniasis is a severe and emerging form of American tegumentary leishmaniasis. Disseminated leishmaniasis is defined by the presence of more than 10 polymorphic cutaneous lesions, distributed over more than two noncontiguous parts of the body. Nasal mucosal involvement is observed in almost half of cases. Disseminated leishmaniasis patients present with a decreased production of Th1 cytokines in the peripheral blood due to the attraction of leishmania-activated T cells to the
more » ... ltiple cutaneous lesions. Disseminated leishmaniasis development is poorly understood and is related to a complex network involving environmental, host immune response, and parasite factors, in which L. braziliensis polymorphism plays an important role. Disseminated leishmaniasis is a challenging disease to cure, presenting a high failure rate of 75% to pentavalent antimony therapy. Despite its importance and severity, this form of American tegumentary leishmaniasis has been poorly studied and documented, deserving greater attention from professionals working in endemic areas.
doi:10.1590/abd1806-4841.20198775 pmid:33131605 pmcid:PMC6360961 fatcat:3u3s3vq5ubajbabbthm652jxc4