Internet Performance: TCP in Stochastic Network Environment

Vladimir Zaborovsky, Aleksander Gorodetsky, Vladimir Muljukha
2009 2009 First International Conference on Evolving Internet  
The analysis of network behavior in a stochastic environment with long range dependence feature has a great importance for quality of service (QoS) management. The choice of methods using for analysis depends on the accuracy of description of traffic characteristics, available measurement tools and assumption concerning stationary distribution of stochastic parameters. But without robust experimental data the analysis will fail to unrealistic results that does not reflects specific network
more » ... ior. Proposed approach can be used to create model of macroscopic network behavior and explain TCP relaxation feature as a function of packet loss caused by longterm network congestion. We confirm basic ideas to define QoS parameters of TCP connection by compared experimental data and modeling results for wide range of network condition. Obtained estimations confirm several important implications about the TCP microscopic behavior in the presence of stochastic signals and Reno congestion avoidance algorithm of congestion control.
doi:10.1109/internet.2009.36 fatcat:u4wc2gwuencm5kmhngimjerw4m