
铁 朱, 军 闻
2020 工程技术研究  
摘 要: 随着中国经济社会的不断发展进步以及各行业改革的逐渐深入, 现阶段状态评估技术在关口电能计量装置管理上 的应用研究已经得到越来越多的重视。论文对状态评估技术在关口电能计量装置管理上的应用进行了简要分析, 以促进现代 关口电能计量装置管理水平的提升。 Abstract: With the development of China's economic and social progress and the gradual deepening of the reform of various industries, the application of current condition evaluation technology in the management of power metering devices has been paid more and more attention. In this paper, the application of condition evaluation technology in the management of power
more » ... tering device at the gateway is briefly analyzed, in order to promote the management level of modern power metering device at the gateway. 关键词: 状态评估技术; 关口电能计量; 装置管理; 分析研究 Keywords: condition evaluation technology; power metering device at the gateway; device management; analysis and research
doi:10.36012/etr.v2i8.2483 fatcat:lopzlqevfzfh3j66y6txsmmtny