Assessment of Diabetes Related Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Diabetics and Non-diabetics using Self Prepared Questionnaire for Awareness of Health Promotion

Sridhar Srimath Tirumala Konduru, Amit Ranjan, Karthik K, Sravanthi Muddada, Shabnam Shaik, Lakshmi Sowjanya Vakkapatla
2017 Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice  
As diabetes mellitus is one of the most challenging public health problem in 21st century, it is important to know about the awareness level of a disease condition in a population, which plays a vital role in future development, early detection and prevention of disease. Objective: To assess the awareness and knowledge regarding diabetes mellitus among diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. Methods: A prospective and observational study was done in 100 diabetic and 50 non-diabetic subjects. All
more » ... patients and out-patients either gender, of age 20-80 years were included in the study. Paediatric patients, pregnant/lactating women were excluded. Result: After analysing the scores, it was found that among diabetic patients 46% had poor knowledge, 45% had medium knowledge and 9% had good knowledge regarding Diabetes Mellitus where as 64% of non-diabetics had poor knowledge, 34% of non-diabetics had medium knowledge and 2% of non-diabetics had good knowledge regarding Diabetes Mellitus. Conclusion: Overall, our study concludes that diabetic patients had more knowledge regarding diabetes mellitus than non-diabetic subjects.
doi:10.5530/ijopp.10.1.8 fatcat:27ptvd3hszdrbpojbx2im5japq