Ms Asawari, A Kadam, Ms Swathi Vijaykumar
2017 International Research Journal of Management and Commerce (IRJMC)   unpublished
Due to increased competition and media fragmentation, today companies are looking for alternate media by which they are able to differentiate their offerings. One such medium is sponsorships. Ambush marketing in not a new practice but it emerged after the growth in sports activities all over the world. Increased competition and media disintegration has lead to companies searching for alternative media by which they are able to differentiate their offerings. It is an attack not from the hidden
more » ... sition. Such practices are unethical business practices, hampering the exclusive rights of the sponsors, affecting the value and integrity of the event and confusing and wrongfully seeking attention of the people by designating themselves as an official sponsor. Ambush marketing is an emotionally-charged phrase that refers to the practice of appearing to align a brand with an event for which that brand has not paid for the right to be a sponsor. Today, with the help of technology, ambush ideas are instant and deadly. A brand can be a made or ridiculed overnight owing to the strategies that it uses.