Building of a genomic library of Leishmania amazonensis and its expression in BALB/c mice's muscle
Construcción de una biblioteca genómica de Leishmania amazonensis y su expresión en músculo de ratones BALB/c

A M Alvarez, E A Amador, M M Elías, R G Miniet, M E Garcia, A A Domínguez
Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical  
A genomic library of Leishaminia amazonensis was built through a pcDNA3 vector, with expression promoter in eukaryot cells, to contribute to the application of immunization technology with nucleic acids in leishmaniasis. To show the expression genomic library in the muscles of mice immunized with it, the indirect immunofluoresce technique was used. A mix of sera with high antileishmania titers from an area where L.braziliensis infection is predominant was used as primary antibody. A library of
more » ... 0% recombinant clones was obtained. Antigen determinant expression was confirmed in immunized BALB/c mice's muscles, according to the results of immunofluorescence testing.
pmid:15846918 fatcat:qvqsuoow6jejngzhgdmiow6nty