Therapeutic listening in clinical mental health care nursing

Deivson Wendell da Costa Lima, Alcivan Nunes Vieira, Lia Carneiro Silveira
2015 Texto & Contexto Enfermagem  
Research with the aim to understand the conception of therapeutic listening in clinical mental health care nursing. Qualitative study carried out with nine nurses inserted into mental health services. Data were generated by semi-structured interviews and assessed by Michel Pechêux's discourse analysis. The research identified that the listening process is devoid of its therapeutic potential. It is only conceived as a means to obtain information on the subject in psychological distress, a
more » ... e that, in summary, is specifically correlated to objectified signs and symptoms at the patient's body. Occasionally, such practice is guided by a psychosocial framework. The listening practice is not in harmony with the principles of the psychiatric reform, as it does not allow for the inclusion of the subject in the care process, and even disregards the patient's speech as an expression of his existence-suffering. Although it contains elements of the psychosocial framework, the listening practice is actually limited to addressing the mental suffering, with no recognition whatsoever of the suffering individual.
doi:10.1590/0104-07072015002450013 fatcat:nvck47nvgvhhhikc53qo3w6ky4