単一高分子鎖のサイエンス DNA単分子鎖の折りたたみと自励振動―高分子単分子鎖がつくりだす時空間構造―
Exotic Properties of a Single DNA Chain

Hiroyuki MAYAMA
2007 Kobunshi  
Individual giant DNA chains show a discrete conformational change, the folding phase transition, between an elongated coil state and a folded compact state under existence of multivalent cations, polymer chains, multivalent anions, and alcohols on the level of a single molecular chain. The stiffness of a polymer chain is essential for the transition. The single DNA chain also expresses a rhythmic conformational change between the coil and folded states under a thermodynamically open condition
more » ... ch as a local temperature gradient generated by optical tweezers. The coupling between the folding phase transition and the thermodynamically open condition is essential. These will be common for semiflexible polymer chains.
doi:10.1295/kobunshi.56.428 fatcat:szuthug6fjg6blraytowjguwca