A Catalytic Study of the Modified Coal Gasification Process to Produce Clean Hydrogen Gas

Sushant Kumar, Vadym Drozd, Surendra Saxena
2012 CheM  
A catalytic study was performed on the following proposed modified coal gasification reaction: NaOH(s) + C(s) +H 2 O (g) = Na 2 CO 3 (s) + H 2 (g). Our study reveals that in the presence of 2 h ball milled Raney nickel (average crystallite size of 209 Å) this reaction is completed at 500 0 C in 120 minutes. X-ray diffraction technique is used for the characterization of the catalysts. Catalyst's surface morphology is analysed by using scanning electron microscope. From a study of the surface
more » ... phology and activity of the used catalysts, a direct correlation of coal particle size with the reaction kinetics has been established. The findings reveal that the globular particles have better catalytic effect than flaky disk shaped particles.
doi:10.5618/chem.2011.v2.n1.3 fatcat:suzt45gurbfmtanjiubkxywh4i