Effect of Manager Competency on Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises

Angga Dwiputra Solihin, Deden Abdul Wahab Syaroni
2020 Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Economic, Social Science, and Humanities – Economics, Business and Management Track (ICOBEST-EBM 2019)   unpublished
This research was conducted to determine the relationship between managers' competency towards innovation in small and medium enterprises. The method used in this study was descriptive with a quantitative assessment. The unit of analysis in this study was small and medium businesses in Bandung Regency using the simple random sampling method to get the number of respondents as many as 100 small and medium businesses. Analysis of the data used was the validity test and reliability test. The
more » ... m to test data analysis is SPSS 23 and Lisrel 8.8. The results of this study are expected to have a positive impact on managers' competency towards innovation in small and medium enterprises, in accordance with previous researchers.
doi:10.2991/aebmr.k.200108.015 fatcat:xokztyskszaq3gysxklrbbsxpy