Experimental Investigations of the Effects of Underwater Explosions on Swimbladder Fish, II: 1975 Chesapeake Bay Tests [report]

Joel B. Gaspin, Martin L. Wiley, Greg B. Peters
1976 unpublished
Pentolite charges weighing ^0.6 and ^32 Kg were detonated at depths of 3.0 and 9.1 meters. Fish were arrayed to depths of up to 30 meters. Six shots were fired. This report describes the experiment and presents the fish damage and pressure-time data. Laboratory work to determine the time necessary for fish to acclimate to various depths in the water column is summarized. The analysis of this data in terms of theory will be presented separately. UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF"THIS PAGEflWlsn Dalm Entered)
doi:10.21236/ada376837 fatcat:rm6wkz6tqzgfnnuumhl2fs63pm