F-theory on singular spaces and semi-realistic model building [thesis]

Jiahua Tian
1 Acknowledgements I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor Prof. Jim Halverson, who supports, encourages and inspires me all the time during my pursuit of the knowledge about our universe. I have been influenced by Jim not only as an amateur physicist but also as a person, and have benefited so much from the rigorous attitude and the numerous skills that I learnt from him and these will be my two most reliable weapons when tackling any problem in my life in the future, both
more » ... ademic and non-academic. It was such a pleasure to work with Jim that it makes me feel even a bit sad that I have to graduate. The dinners and the beers we had, and the time we spent on brainstorming and discussing, will be the treasure of my life, and will surely be part of the story that will be told when I am surrounded by my grandchildren. Next I would like to my fellow students
doi:10.17760/d20356184 fatcat:ejeuymooincfppiceu7qb6o32a