Heuristics Miner for E-Commerce Visitor Access Pattern Representation

Kartina Diah Kesuma Wardhani, Wawan Yunanto
2017 Communications in Science and Technology  
Click stream data from an e-commerce website can form a certain pattern that describes visitor behavior. This pattern can be used to determine alternative access sequence to surf the website. σ-Algorithm and Genetic Mining are two of the most common methods for pattern recognition that use frequent sequence item set approach. This study used heuristic miner algorithm, an advanced form of these methods, to discover the pattern of visitor behavior in e-commerce website. σ-Algorithm assumes that
more » ... activity in a website recorded in the data log is a complete sequence from start to finish, without any tolerance for incomplete data or data with noise. On the other hand, Genetic Mining is a method that tolerates incomplete data or data with noise, so it can generate a more detailed e-commerce visitor access pattern. In this study, the same sequence of events was obtained from six-generated patterns. The resulting pattern describes the sequence of how visitors access the ecommerce website. This sequence can be used to enhance the e-commerce website based on visitor behavior.
doi:10.21924/cst.2.1.2017.21 fatcat:5l2ue6wfq5akhjolnrjt5h5mji