Further Evaluation of Immunofluorescence Techniques for Detection of Shigellae in Fecal Specimens

Berenice M. Thomason, André J. Nahmias, Ann D. Mathews
1967 Applied microbiology  
The fluorescent antibody (FA) tests for group B and group D Shigella were reevaluated. Duplicate swab specimens from patients suspected of having shigellosis were cultured shortly after collection and after transport in a soft-agar holding medium. Smears for FA examination were made at the same time. Results obtained for the group D Shigella agree closely with those obtained in previous studies. The percentage of isolations of group B Shigella from transported specimens which were positive by
more » ... was 59.6% as compared to 39.3 and 53.3% in previous studies. S. flexneri was isolated from 76.7 % of the FA-positive specimens when they were ex-914 APPL. MICROBIOL. on May 7, 2020 by guest http://aem.asm.org/ Downloaded from
doi:10.1128/aem.15.4.912-915.1967 fatcat:l425xvgilzfvhf42x7atpcfgvu