Impact of mobile phone on interpersonal communication among student of Assam agricultural university

Rupjyoti Bhattacharjee, Sabnam Begum
2022 The Pharma Innovation  
Mobile phones being the key components of the user's life have made life much easier. They are considered to be one of the most significant devices available that tends to make a huge difference in our day to day activity. Moreover, users prefer mobile phones due to many governing factors like portability, compactness, cost effective, user friendly, user satisfaction and much more. Additionally, mobile phones have become the center of attraction for the upcoming generation and the mobile phone
more » ... eems to serve our communication needs better than any other communication technologies available in the market. Further, mobile phone usage provides us with a wealth of information just at the tip of our finger and our kin are found to be just a click away from us. Connecting to acquaint has become much simple and quick by the virtue of mobile phones. This study aims to understand the relationship between demographic characteristics of students and mobile use pattern as well as to understand the effect of mobile phone use pattern on interpersonal communicationamong students. The results show that mobile phone use pattern is completely a personal choice of the user and mobile phone use pattern shows significant association with gender and age, whereas, educational level is seen to have little or no influence on the mobile use pattern. Furthermore, significant impact of mobile phone on interpersonal communication of the student has been found in the study.
doi:10.22271/tpi.2022.v11.i6sn.13116 fatcat:xfqujndjabccfp4bqpfoc6ncea