Ped-Air: A Simulator for Loading, Unloading, and Evacuating Aircraft

Andrew Best, Sean Curtis, David Kasik, Christopher Senesac, Tim Sikora, Dinesh Manocha
2014 Transportation Research Procedia  
We present Ped-Air, a pedestrian simulation system to model the loading, unloading, and evacuation of commercial aircraft. We address the challenge of simulating passenger movement in constrained spaces (e.g., aisles and rows), along with complex, coordinating behaviors between the passengers. Ped-Air models different categories of passengers and flight crew, capturing their unique behaviors and complex interactions. We exhibit Ped-Airs capabilities by simulating passenger movements on two
more » ... sentative aircraft: a single-aisle Boeing 737, and a double-aisle Boeing 777. We are able to simulate the following behaviors: stress, luggage placement, flight staff assisting passengers, obstructed exits for evacuation.
doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2014.09.052 fatcat:nfqabvnfuzeltj5v3pov32ieny