D.6.1 Website, Project Identity Set, And Communication Plan

Jorge Gonzalez-Conejero, Pompeu Casanovas, Rebeca Varela, Emma Teodoro
2018 Zenodo  
This document is the first version of deliverable D6.1 "Website, project identity set, and communication plan" within work package 6: "Dissemination and exploitation" and task 6.2: "Communication". It is the first step towards the communication activities of the Lynx project. Specifically, the document introduces the Lynx's website and the project identity set and sets up the communication plan and channels. The main objective is to provide the Lynx partners with the resources and tools devised
more » ... to achieve efficient communication activities that ensure to raise awareness on the project work and outcomes among divers audiences, ranging from industry target groups to the general public. This document will be reviewed and updated as needed. When relevant updates occur, the reviewed document will reflect the update. This will be complemented by intermediate communication deliverable and a final one communication deliverable.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1233260 fatcat:gfroxy2nhfdt5f4xxqbwk3a7v4