Analysing Tuberculosis Trends in South Asia

Kumar Abhishek, M. P Singh, Md. Sadik Hussain
2018 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)  
<p>Tuberculosis (TB) has been one of the top ten causes of death in the world. As per the World Health Organization (WHO) around 1.8 million people have died due to tuberculosis in 2015. This paper aims to investigate the spatial and temporal variations in TB incident in South Asia (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri-Lanka). Asia had been counted for the largest number of new TB cases in 2015. The paper underlines and relates the relationship between various features like
more » ... er, age, location, occurrence, and mortality due to TB in these countries for the period 1993-2012.</p>
doi:10.11591/ijece.v8i6.pp5245-5252 fatcat:inc7pgkp35cmbis7wrapsyech4