Wavelet denoising of chirp-like signals in the Fourier domain

Liping Deng, J.G. Harris
ISCAS'99. Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems VLSI (Cat. No.99CH36349)  
Abstruct-Wavelet shrinkage is a simple yet powerful tool for denoising piecewise smooth signals. In this paper we show that this method fails on chirp-like signals. We propose a new strategy to denoise these types of signals. First, we transform the signal to the Fourier domain, and denoise its Fourier transform using conventional wavelet shrinkage. Then, we obtain the resulting time domain signal with the inverse Fourier transform. The results are compared to the well-known wavelet shrinkage method and the ideal Wiener filtering method.
doi:10.1109/iscas.1999.778902 dblp:conf/iscas/DengH99 fatcat:axwuxoep2zc6dbcs4ugqxxcgje