Media and Scientific Literacy Development within the Framework of Public Engagement with Science

2020 Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie)  
The article explores Ukrainian scientists' public engagement through popular science media, which they launch themselves, and which have become a component of the country's media environment. Today, unlike the long-standing tradition of avoiding contact with public, Ukrainian scientists especially of the younger generation have understood the importance of public engagement. Popular science media produced by scientists play a role of a communication platform that aims to unite science with a
more » ... eral audience. According to the study results, there is no doubt about social significance of scientists-led media in Ukraine within a public demand for science-related content, wide spreading fake and pseudoscientific information, the insufficient development of science journalism, and current public invisibility of science. These media can help to disseminate scientific knowledge to the public, increase its critical thinking and comprehension of science-based content, promote scientific and media literacy. However, the review of scientists-led media and the survey data from young media consumers have revealed that these media need improving to do their tasks. The findings have proved that the subsequent release of the popular science media produced by Ukrainian scientists should satisfy consumer requests and modern media trends.
doi:10.13187/me.2020.4.636 fatcat:qwcl36qx7bg7bhajpndx7fpc3q