A Pressure Scanning Fabry-Perot Magnetometer [chapter]

T. D. Fay, A. A. Wyller
1971 Solar Magnetic Fields  
An oscillating magnetic analyzer (KDP crystal plus Glan-Thompson prism) is coupled to an echelle-interferometer spectrograph. The single slit magnetometer by pressure variations can be made to scan the entire profiles of the circularly and linearly polarized Zeeman components. Freon gas is used as the scanner gas with wavelength displacements of 0.02 A per 0.1 in. Hg pressure change at the NaD lines. The available scan range is 15 A in the visual spectral region.
doi:10.1007/978-94-010-3117-2_7 fatcat:zmtuh7cig5dudod5i4s4jwiecq