Unexpected collapses during isotropic consolidation of model granular materials

Thiep Doanh, Alain Le Bot, Nouha Abdelmoula, Lassad Gribaa, Stéphane Hans, Claude Boutin
2016 Comptes rendus. Mecanique  
This paper reports the unexpected instantaneous instabilities of idealized granular materials under simple isotropic drained compression. Specimens of monosized glass beads submitted to isotropic compression exhibit a series of local collapses under undetermined external stress with partial liquefaction, experience sudden volumetric compaction and axial contraction of various amplitude. Short-lived excess pore water pressure vibrates like an oscillating underdamped system in the first dynamic
more » ... ansient phase and rapidly disperses in the subsequent longer dissipation phase. However, very dense samples maintain a collapse-free behaviour below a threshold void ratio e col 30 at 30 kPa of stress. The potential mechanisms that could explain these spontaneous collapses are discussed.
doi:10.1016/j.crme.2015.11.001 fatcat:sk65molderclro2olu4hiqr77a