高等学校化学における「実社会・実生活」との関連を重視した指導に関する研究 : 「文脈に基づいたアプローチ」を導入した教材とその効果
Research on Effective Teaching Focused on the Relevance to Society and Life in Upper School Chemistry : Introduction of Context-Based Approach

Yukinori UTSUMI, Tetsuo ISOZAKI, Kazumitsu CHUJO
2011 Journal of Science Education in Japan  
This study aims to resea エch effective teaching focused on its relevance to society and life in upper school chemistry . It is a context − based approach adopted in Sα」 ' 薦 A ぬ αη 'θ4 伽 卿 誌 勿 , which has been developed and implemented for 八 ievel students in England and Wale鼠 We found two things . Firstly , that it is more effective to introduce its relevance to society and life at the starting point in the lessons and to use a wlde range of activities which students can do. Secondly , that it
more » ... s more e 任ective to inh ↑ oduce i亡for long − term 】 essons 〔 about ll weeks ) than to do it for shor トterm Iessons ( about 5 weeks ) .
doi:10.14935/jssej.35.234 fatcat:aagfjl5wirhqvdzrbkxte7ehkq