Developments in the Calibration and Modeling of Radiocarbon Dates

Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Michael Dee, Sharen Lee, Takeshi Nakagawa, Richard A Staff
2010 Radiocarbon: An International Journal of Cosmogenic Isotope Research  
Calibration is a core element of radiocarbon dating and is undergoing rapid development on a number of different fronts. This is most obvious in the area of 14C archives suitable for calibration purposes, which are now demonstrating much greater coherence over the earlier age range of the technique. Of particular significance to this end is the development of purely terrestrial archives such as those from the Lake Suigetsu sedimentary profile and Kauri tree rings from New Zealand, in addition
more » ... the groundwater records from speleothems. Equally important, however, is the development of statistical tools that can be used with, and help develop, such calibration data. In the context of sedimentary deposition, age-depth modeling provides a very useful way to analyze series of measurements from cores, with or without the presence of additional varve information. New methods are under development, making use of model averaging, that generate more robust age models. In addition, all calibration requires a coherent approach to outliers, for both single samples and where entire data sets might be offset relative to the calibration curve. This paper looks at current developments in these areas.
doi:10.1017/s0033822200046063 fatcat:ri3jm24b6naorc756qct63bnyi