Input and Output of Elements in Tropical and Temperate Ecosystems

Masanori OKAZAKI
2000 Tropics  
Input and output of elements in the tropical lowland forest (secondary) of Sungai Talau, Sarawak, and the temperate deciduous (Quercus serrata) forest (secondary) of Hachioji, Tokyo, have been investigated in this study. Under tropical lowland forest in Sungai Talau, dominant in Shorea spp.and Dillenia spp., tropical peat soils (Tropofibrists) were distributed, which have deep organic horizons characterized by low bulk density with less than 0.1 and high organic matter. The element pool in
more » ... ss of tropical lowland forest was relatively larger than that of temperate deciduous forest in comparison with the element pool in soils, The element flux in litter of tropical lowland forest provided one of the source of larger element pool in tropical peat soils. From the element pool and flux in tropical lowland forest ecosystem, both forest and soils should be conserved as a set of environmental elements. To take account of the element pool in biomass and Melanudands, the element flux in precipitation, litter, and throughfall, absorption by plants and output through streamflow in the temperate deciduous (Quercus serrata) forest (secondary) ecosystem, it can be found that the element flux was relatively smaller than the element pool in the biomass, The urgent control of element input through precipitation and throughfall should be canied out to avoid the element saturation in the temperate deciduous forest ecosystems.
doi:10.3759/tropics.9.169 fatcat:ulsb6mjmmzcevnclk6isiz7lty