Adoption intention and willingness to pay for a residential integrated geothermal and solar energy storage solution (In Greek)

Spyridou Karytsas, Olympia Polyzou, Constantine Karytsas
2018 Zenodo  
The residential building sector is responsible for a large proportion of the energy consumption worldwide, mainly due to heating, cooling and domestic hot water needs. TESSe2b solution is the outcome of a four-year Horizon 2020 funded project intending to deal with the above issue, through the enhancement of energy efficiency in buildings. In the context of TESSe2b project, a compact and low cost thermal energy storage technology is designed, developed, validated and demonstrated; small-sized
more » ... ermal energy storage tanks with phase change materials (PCM TES) are combined with solar collectors and high performance geothermal heat pumps. A key-issue regarding the successful diffusion of the technology is consumers' acceptance and adoption behavior. The present study aims to evaluate the self-reported behavioral intention of the TESSe2b solution in different European countries, as well as the factors that can affect this issue. On this basis, a behavioral survey was performed in five EU Member States (Austria, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Germany) between June 2016 and February 2017. The issues under investigation included: a) consumers' views on perceived benefits of the technology, b) consumers' perceived adoption intention of the technology, c) willingness to pay (in €) for the technology and d) acceptable payback period in order for someone to be willing to pay for the TESSe2b system. In order to examine the total sample of 583 respondents, separate statistical analyses were performed for each country. The sample was primarily analyzed through descriptive statistics, while ordinal logistic regressions were performed in order to examine the effect of socioeconomic and residence characteristics on consumers' views concerning perceived benefits, adoption intention, willingness to pay and acceptable payback period of the TESSe2b system.Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric tests were applied in order to identify any differences between the different countries, regarding participants' views on the issues under consideration. [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2535604 fatcat:f6o7fnq37vh6jhsqfiy3fb4glq