Software for Automated Production Line of Peat Briquettes

Vladimir Lebedev, Olga Puhova, M. Tyulenev, S. Zhironkin, A. Khoreshok, S. Voth, M. Cehlar, Y. Tan
2017 E3S Web of Conferences  
The article examines the software development of peat briquette production. Integrated peat development is one of the important tasks of peat industry. The importance of peat as local raw material increases with the increase in demand for various products. The production efficiency can be improved with new automated peat processing technologies based on advanced engineering. In view of market and technology requirements the peat industry development is hampered by slow development of automated
more » ... eat processing and utilization technologies. The acceleration of technological progress can be achieved by designing automated lines of advanced peat processing. In accordance with this mission the development of technological process monitoring parameters is of great importance thanks to the possibility of end product physicochemical properties being predicted and managed to make efficient use of peat products for energy needs. The software with an intuitive interface for automated production line of peat briquettes has been developed. This provides means for managing and controlling the peat briquette production process.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/20171501018 fatcat:6mhrrjov5javppkwizbzna2gby