Investigation of Carbon-coating Effect on the Electrochemical Performance of LiCoPO4 Single Particle

Yuto YAMADA, Yusaku NODA, Hirokazu MUNAKATA, Shuhei YOSHIDA, Daisuke SHIBATA, Kiyoshi KANAMURA
2018 Electrochemistry (Tokyo. 1999)  
The effect of carbon-coating on the electrochemical properties of LiCoPO 4 was investigated by single particle measurement. For this analysis, micrometer-scale LiCoPO 4 particles with and without carbon-coating were synthesized by hydrothermal method (LiCoPO 4 /C0 with 0.3 wt%, LiCoPO 4 /C1 with 0.8 wt%, LiCoPO 4 /C2 with 1.7 wt% carbon-coating and pristine LiCoPO 4 ). In the electrochemical tests using the conventional composite electrodes, all the samples showed the similar electrochemical
more » ... perties with potential plateaus at~4.7 V vs. Li/Li + . In contrast, single particle measurement showed clear differences in the charge and discharge curves. The pristine LiCoPO 4 showed the potential plateau only in the discharge curve due to a large overpotential of charging. LiCoPO 4 /C0 also showed large overpotential. On the other hand, good electrochemical responses were obtained for the LiCoPO 4 /C1 and LiCoPO 4 /C2 particle electrodes even though their carbon-coating amounts were different. This result suggests that 0.8 wt% or higher carbon-coating enables to improve the electrochemical performance of one particle of LiCoPO 4 .
doi:10.5796/electrochemistry.17-00066 fatcat:6brbhnflcvdhnfpvirezzozgmu