Experimental Study on Cooling Performance Characteristics of Coolant-sourced Heat Pump System with Triple Fluids Heat Exchanger for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle

Hoseong Lee, Jongphil Won, Chungwon Cho, Taekkyu Lim, Hanbyeol Jeon, Soobyeong Nam, Donggyun Kim, Yongchan Kim
2015 unpublished
The objective of this study was to investigate the cooling performance characteristics of coolant-sourced heat pump system with triple fluids heat exchanger for a fuel cell electric vehicle. In order to analyze the cooling performance characteristics of the air conditioning system using triple fluids heat exchanger for a fuel cell electric vehicle was developed and tested under various operating conditions according to inlet air conditions of evaporator, coolant conditions and compressor speed.
more » ... The cooling capacity and coefficient of performance (COP) for cooling of the tested air conditioning system were 7.1 kW and 2.8 under high inlet air temperature with the rated compressor speed, respectively. In addition, developed triple fluids heat exchanger to transfer heat between a refrigerant and two kinds of coolants was analyzed under the same operating conditions. The observed cooling performance of the developed electrical air conditioning system was found to be sufficient for cooling loads under various real driving conditions for a fuel cell electric vehicle.
doi:10.14257/astl.2015.120.123 fatcat:7lznbb7ivfbo7ionuorfadq6ny