The Load Characteristics of Speed Sensorless Vector Control System of an Induction Motor

2014 Research Report of Miyakonojo National College of Technology  
The speed gensorless vedtc } r control of induction motor req 血 es the estir皿 ation of the mtor 且ux and the r{ } tOr speed . Since the estimatiens use the maehine parameters and the stat 。 r voltage and cu 皿 ent oo 皿 ponen 恫 as 加 put qua ロ tities , the stab 山 ty of the 臼 YBteM i88en 巳 itive to the variations of the machi 皿 e para 皿 eters , and the errors of stator vo 上 tage deteetion and statOr current regulat 江 on ・ co 皿 pared with the ve ¢ tor control systems with a 叩 eed sensor . In 七 his
more » ... er , the $ peed sen 副 ) rless veCtor oontlol of three − phase 8quirrel cage induc 虹 on motOr i 臼 imple皿 ented on a digital 8ignal proeessor ( DSP : TMS320C67 ) . TEhe load characteristic ef speed sensorless vector control systern is studied . Furthemore , the load cimacteristieB of speed sensorless vector contol gy 臼te皿 are compared with that of vector control sy 目tem with a speed Bensor .
doi:10.24461/miyako.48.0_13 fatcat:jcbzofoymvbfhgsh66owc5y6uq