La verdad como "objetividad" en la filosofía de Duns Escoto / The Truth Like "Objetivism" in the Scotist's Philosophy

2010 Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval  
More than love to the truth, in this work we study the scotist´s conception of the truth. For Scotus, the object known is real, causes in the faculty the act of knowing; therefore, it is previous to the act. The truth consists in the similarity of the act of knowledge with the mental object: objectivism. With that thesis he separates of the previous medieval thought, for which the mental object is not real, but intentional: the mental object, not the act, is similar to the reality. This
more » ... s thesis is a precedent of the posterior theory of knowledge.
doi:10.21071/refime.v17i.6144 fatcat:b2xmbm2nw5fctdruzzp5hg3zma