Maryland Gazette August 1798 Vol. 53
(:Unkn) Unknown
tjf»rc was 6 per cent. From whatever real motives, on the -fj iding the blood running from him, a.-;'d trie impel-iihMty toreilrjin him, he was compelled, in defence ol his own life, t > dilcharge a double barreled pillol at hi.« lordfhip, and wounded him in the (houldtr; he JtJlrn the bed, but recovering himfclf, nn at him with the differ, which Mr Swan caught oy the hla.4e \vitS one hanJ, and endeavoured to trip him up: Cirt.-Ryan, direetrti hy the report of the pillol, ran up into the room,
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... nd founl Mr. Swan hleedrnfr, 'and e.v.anvlrd wi'h lo d Edward ; Mr. Swan fcid to Ryan, peneccc. whkh can only rciult fca. exe.Te « NEWPORT, Jlity 1 7. Several paffcrgers xvho came in the fhip Diafcs, captain Whjte, which arrived here lad Tnefday, do not mention any thing of the failing of the fquadron from Toulon, or ol general Buonaparte being at all connected' with the piojccled expedition. They, however, confirm the rqnrt before in circulation that " he hV> murdered me," on which R>an threw himfelf a great number of mechanics and artiil* ol different .. ..... tu... i -_j c. i ...... .u i.,uw_j (. imjtj xverc to |,i| with the fleet, having xvith them a great, quintjty of the implements ot their fcvrral arts. It was not precifely known tt Bordeaux, where Bu naparte was. The late tleeVion of the new third of the two ord F.dward and Swan, and xvas then Itabhrd by hi. lordmip-Oil rapt. Ryan's approach, lord Edward m*4e a Urong rt, and 'orced the dagger from Mr. S-van. and rulh'ng on Rvan gave him a def-. p>ufc, having rcfuf.d to have his wounda drifiVd until ihe (urgeons had fird attended lord Edwaru." DUBLIN, toayn. .ExtraS tfakittrfnm RalbJnun, (C.uttj ' 1 have the plcafure lo in'orm yi.u, that this country is likely foon to be qu.etly Killed, aa this town has been cruwded ihefe two davs pall with the inha bitant! of the neighbourhood Rocking in to take the Oath of a!lrgiince. A great number of pikri, fer.t in M the ma|(illratc|, were public'* exhibited in the market plKe this diy i and fome <<f the leaders of fediti.jn near Arklow, Meflri. Graham, Djr^n and N^ale, men nf confiderab'e property--fome of them worth }0,O3Ol.-have come forward and at know-leJged their crimes, and their determination of giving the lulled information. 'Ffc« above you rrny rely on, •*• copy of ih«ir a&Javit of iccintaiion, L have lead this day ; it was fworn txkire tftiee magillutca.