The Use of Deceased Donors for Kidneys Transplantations

Aleksandr Maltsev, Janis Jushinskis, Rafails Rozentals
2011 Acta Chirurgica Latviensis  
Introduction. The lack of donor organs aimed at transplanting is a great problem all over the world. To solve the problem the criteria of selecting donors progressively expand including donors after cardiac death. Analysis performed in this report refers to the use of donors after the controlled cardiac death to transplant kidneys at the Latvian transplantation center. Aim of the study. To clarify the renal transplant outcomes after transplantation from deceased donors of two types -donors
more » ... cardiac death and donors after brain death. Materials and methods. Study included 351 consecutive primary renal transplantations from deceased donors procured in a single transplant center during the period since 2000 till 2005. Kidneys were recovered from 244 deceased donors at the age of 41.2 + 13.2 (8 -68): from 68 -after cardiac death (DCD) and from 176 -after stating the brain death (DBD), (control group). Results of transplantations were compared regarding the type of deceased donors been used. Results.The percentage of non functioning graft recovered from donors after cardiac death made up 1.8 % (at the rate of 1.6 % in a control group). Delayed graft function of transplants made up respectively 14.0% and 12.3%. Within a period of 5 years mortality in DCD group made up 15 % and in BDB group 12.3 %. Graft survival was respectively 76.7 % and 84.8% (p = 0,046). Conclusion. Results of study show the efficiency of transplanting kidneys received from donors after cardiac death and brain death. Long term results in DCD donation should be improved by introduction of new technologies.
doi:10.2478/v10163-012-0021-9 fatcat:k6r6tyxzlvevrdffu2iw4kgxua