Yuni Asto Purbasari, Arief Noor Akhmadi
2019 Bioma Jurnal Biologi dan Pembelajaran Biologi  
One of the diversity of florAa in Indonesian is mosses. Most of bryophyte were found in the tropical forest areas that have moist soil conditions, one of the forest that has this condition was Argopuro Mountain. Sumbercandik Panduman Village Jember regency was located at the foot of Mount Argopuro. This research aimed to know the variety of the bryophyte by identifying and inventorying and calculating abiotic factors that influence growth. bryophyte as the factor abiotic. The type of the
more » ... h was quantitative descriptive the purposively sampling technique and the plot line method. The research result the bryophyte was found in 11 spesies, 12 genus, 11 families, and 8 orders by 9 division of Bryophyta and 5 division of Marctiophyta. The dominad bryophyte was Fissidens schmidii 52,60% of INP the value. The factors which affecting the bryophyte growth ere 30,8 0 C of temperature, 57,13% of humidity, pH 6,4 and 79540 lux of the light intensity.
doi:10.32528/bioma.v4i1.2654 fatcat:dhcz7yruvzg4rbvognh7pdfroi