Evaluation of Sweet Sorghum Biomass as an Alternative Livestock Feed

Celal Yucel, Sırnak University
2020 International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research  
In case of using sorghum biomass as a source of feed, quality attributes of different forms of the biomass should be known. This study was conducted to determine quality attributes of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. saccharatum (L.) Mohlenbr.) biomass in different forms. Six different sweet sorghum varieties (M81-E, Ramada, Roma, Topper 76, UNL Hybrid and No 91) were used in different forms. Quality attributes of sweet sorghum herbage before silage (SSH), whole plant silage (WPS) and
more » ... racted bagasse silage (SES) were determined. Harvests were performed at milk-dough stage of the plants.While green herbage had greater crude protein ratios, whole plant silages had greater values for the other quality attributes. The sap-extracted bagasse silage had a mean RFV of over 111 indicating a high quality feed. As compared to other varieties, Topper 76 and Ramada varieties had greater values for quality attributes of sweet sorghums.
doi:10.29329/ijiaar.2020.238.2 fatcat:2mq4yr3gkba7fimte5tcbcw2ae