A scrollbar-based visualization for document navigation

Donald Byrd
1999 Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Digital libraries - DL '99  
We are interested in questions of improving user control in bestmatch text-retrieval systems, specifically questions as to whether simple visualizations that nonetheless go beyond the minimal ones generally available can significantly help users. Recently, we have been investigating ways to help users decide-given a set of documents retrieved by a query-which documents and passages are worth closer examination. We built a document viewer incorporating a visualization centered around a novel
more » ... ent-displaying scrollbar and color term highlighting, and studied whether the visualization is helpful to non-expert searchers. Participants' reaction to the visualization was very positive, while the objective results were inconclusive.
doi:10.1145/313238.313283 dblp:conf/dl/Byrd99 fatcat:btvh2ehwjjg2bobz7s6ikpw5yi