Finite Element Analysis on Friction Plate Of a Wet Multiple Clutch by Using Various Friction Materials

G Shanthi, S Praveen Kumar
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)   unpublished
A clutch is a mechanical device which provides for the transmission of power (and therefore usually motion) from one component (the driving member) to another (driven member).The opposite component of the clutch is the brake. A multi plate clutch may be used when a large torque is to be transmitted .The inside discs are fastened to the driven shaft to permit axial motion. The outside discs are held by bolts and are fastened to the housing which is keyed to the driving shaft. The multi disc
more » ... hes are fastened to the driving shaft .The multi discs clutches are extensively used in motor cars, motorbikes, machine tools etc. The aim of the project is to suggest friction lining material for a multi plate clutch by using ANSYS.A 3D drawing is drafted for multi plate clutch from the design calculations and a 3D model is created in the CATIAV5 using different materials like cork,copper,SF001,SFBU. The Project aims to do structural and thermal analysis for evaluating the above design materials for a better friction lining to multiplate 1clutch by using ANSYS 15.0, finally the project concludes that SFBU material has better friction lining compare to other materials.