Numerical integration constants

Herbert Fishman
1957 Mathematics of Computation  
Tables of the b¡ and x¡ in the approximate quadrature formula are given for n = 0(1)5, m = 1 (1)8 to 12D. The Xj are the zeros of certain orthonormal polynomials qm(x); the qm(x) are given explicitly for the same range of », m. It is well known that there is equality in (1) for polynomials not exceeding degree 2m -1. These tables extend those given by Hammer, Marlowe, and Stroud [2]. P. C. Hammer points out that due to the relation,
doi:10.1090/s0025-5718-1957-0086391-5 fatcat:bkvh3ogmtjditdqld6k5jqalsu