Detecting the Carotenoid Pigmentation due to Haloarchaea Microbes in the Lonar Lake, Maharashtra, India Using Sentinel-2 Images

Rajarshi Bhattacharjee, Abhinandan Choubey, Nilendu Das, Anurag Ohri, Shishir Gaur
2020 Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing  
The Lonar Lake of Maharashtra is a crater based-saline lake. During the month of June 2020, this lake suddenly changed its colour and turned to pink due to the presence of Haloarchaea microbes, and this species have a unique adaptation style to survive in high saline condition. The salinity of this lake is increasing due to less rainfall, low human intervention, and an increase in the temperature of this region. These microbes produce fantastic bloom, which can be sensed from outer space
more » ... of red-orange carotenoids production. In this work, Sentinel 2A datasets have been used for the duration of
doi:10.1007/s12524-020-01219-z fatcat:swetqcfbdzct7alyhdmhhncfmy