Prevention of the fetoplacental complex disorders in women at risk and the risk of preterm birth (Literature review)
Профілактика порушень фетоплацентарного комплексу у жінок із ризиком і загрозою передчасних пологів (Огляд літератури)

O.V. Laba, Lviv national medical University named Danylo Galitsky
The obstetrician-gynaecologist practitioners consider a woman's health from her reproductive potential support standpoint, and the problem of miscarriage is considered as one of the most important health problems in the world. The difficulty in solving the premature birth problem is the presence of many factors and preconditions that determine the risks of miscarriage. The article provides an overview of current international guidelines for assessing the root causes and preconditions for
more » ... birth. The problem of preterm birth risks is discussed, taking into account both the socio-economic living conditions of pregnant women and the factors that accompany the formation of the pathogenesis of preterm birth (placental dysfunction). Attention is paid to the hemodynamic disorders assessment (vascularization of the lower uterus) in pregnant women and determination of their role in the fetoplacental dysfunction development. The role of the hemodynamic disorders in the placenta is considered as the morphological and biochemical adaptive reactions abnormality. Keywords: miscarriage, premature birth, fetoplacental complex, placental dysfunction.
doi:10.15574/hw.2020.151-152.99 fatcat:47eiotjvvjdjvcbchc3mbxnhmq