Characterization of Short Nylon-6 Fiber/Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber Composite by Thermogravimetry

A. Seema, S. K. N. Kutty
2005 IJPAC. International journal of polymer analysis and characterization  
The thermal degradation of short nylon-6 fiber reinforced acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) composites with and without epoxy-based bonding agent has been studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). It was found that the onset of degradation shifted from 330.5 to 336.1°C in the presence of short nylon fiber, the optimum fiber loading being 20 phr. The maximum rate of degradation of the composites was lower than that of the unfilled rubber compound, and it decreased with increase in fiber
more » ... centration. The presence of epoxy resin-based bonding agent in the virgin elastomer and the composites improved the thermal stability. Results of kinetic studies showed that the degradation of NBR and the short nylon fiber reinforced composites followed first-order kinetics.
doi:10.1080/10236660500397852 fatcat:mlnxd23c7rampedawwzu2sjc4a