The Effect of N,N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) on the Germination of Raphanus sativus (Radish Plants)

Caimin Xi, James T. Zacharia
2018 American Journal of Agricultural Research  
DEET is one of the major chemical constituents of bug repellant with an estimated global use of 7 million liters in 2016. While there has been research concerning the health safety of bug repellent, research concerning its environmental impact is very limited. This study was designed to determine the impact bug repellent on the germination of plant seeds. The build-up of bug repellent found in water and soil was simulated by exposing radish seeds to various concentrations of repellent during
more » ... germination process. This two-phased experimental set up demonstrated a significant correlation between higher bug repellent concentrations and lower germination rates. Even in the group containing 0.01% concentration of repellent, only 60% of seeds germinated comparing to 93.3% in the control group on day 10. The differences in germination rates was found to be statistically significant (P=0.0025). The experimental groups with repellents also delayed the process of germination. ABSTRACT AJAR: 0001
doi:10.28933/ajar-2018-02-1804 fatcat:4f64yij5bvbgvpurh3zh3bdefa