The impacts of education, vocational tenure and career opportunities on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and intent to leave: Security sector analysisEğitimin, mesleki tecrübenin ve terfi imkanlarının iş tatmini, örgütsel bağlılık ve işten ayrılma niyeti üzerine etkisi: Güvenlik sektörü analizi

Sedat Kula, Hidayet Taşdöven, Mustafa Dönmez
2015 International Journal of Human Sciences  
This study investigates whether job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention levels of four-year university graduates and two-year police vocational school graduates are different from each other. A sample of 394 police officers working in seven provinces of seven different geographical regions in Turkey was analyzed. The results of t test and correlation analysis obtained indicated that the university degree holders indicated a lower level of organizational commitment and
more » ... higher level of turnover intention than their non-degree holder colleagues. It was found that there is no statistically significant difference between job satisfaction levels of two groups. Career opportunities increased job satisfaction and organizational commitment while tenure reduced turnover intention. The findings of the study illustrate a need for internal policy reform in how the executives of TNP organize their employment and human resource management
doi:10.14687/ijhs.v12i1.3134 fatcat:dwqexnxcizhw5khnm3ye4c3e4y